Sunday, January 15, 2012

Just the Beginning.

I'm sitting here on Sunday night, decked out in a grandmaw nightgown, hair unbrushed, no makeup, and a fuzzy pair of house shoes. I do have a bit of an excuse for it today since my hubby (Brian) and I both are sick with a bad cold. However, I can't give good excuse for all the other days that I end up laying around in the exact same attire and not getting anything done. I have been taking a good look at myself lately, and I don't like this person that I am becoming. I feel like a big pot of lazy slug. I'm no longer comfortable in my clothes (those that DO fit), and I have the energy of an 80 year old woman! I go to bed late, I sleep late, then I feel bad about sleeping late, so I don't get dressed all day, and then it's another vicious cycle the very next day. I also eat terrible foods, that do nothing for my figure OR my energy level, not to mention my over all health. TONIGHT, I am accepting full responsibility for the mess that I feel like, and I'm ready to make a change. I plan to get in bed early tonight, and wake up early in the AM and start my day. I'm not sure how to juggle it all with a new baby, but I know that it must be possible because there are PLENTY of new Mother's that look and feel great!
Tomorrow morning, I am going to get up and finish organizing the whole house so that we can have the deep cleaners come in and clean from crown molding to base boards---which will be NICE! I am hoping that perhaps if I keep a journal of my plans to make some life changes that I will be more apt to stay on track.
So, first things first.

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