Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Camel and the Eye of the needle

“I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” Matthew 19:23-24

This verse in the Bible has always been intriguing to me.   People tend to think that rich people have relatively no problems, and that life is so simple for them.  I'm sure that having loads of money can take certain stressors out of your life....such as paying bills, buying necessities, etc.  But in the end, can loads of money really make you HAPPY?  Are RICH people happier than the average or poor?  I'm not so sure about that.  I think that it would be easier to lose your purpose in life, and to feel worthless once you have reached a certain level of wealth.  There are only so many things that you want to buy, and there is only so much time that you want to travel, and then what?  I believe that the reason that people like Bill Gates and other multi-millionaires don't quit their day jobs is because --WHAT would they do then?"
I've always thought that if I won the lottery or made MILLIONS that I would of course buy a few things that we all dream of owning, but then I would LOVE to travel the world and HELP people and animals (yes, I have a soft spot for animals!).  I wonder if other people think the same thing till they get all that money and then they just become greedy.  I wonder if that is what the Bible means when it says that it is easier for the camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God.  Does money do something to people's hearts to turn them hard?  I'm SURE that the rich get tired of people constantly hounding them for money, I know that I would.  I would prefer to decide what to do with my money and use it for what I considered the greater good, and I would be sick and tired of people telling me where I should put it, or do with it.  Is this what happens?  Do people just get so sick of  random people claiming to be relatives, and fair weather friends that all of a sudden show up on their door with their hands out that they just decide that they aren't going to give ANY more money away?  I could see how that could happen.

I have known people that were wealthy that seemed to create their own problems.  Maybe they were so bored because they didn't have to do anything but wake up every they invented issues.  I knew this one guy that had the world at his fingertips...loving family, tons of money, good looks, etc, but he developed such a strong drug addiction that eventually it was his total demise.

Another example is of the ultra rich celebrities that are caught shoplifting (when they can afford anything they want), or they get a DUI (When they could easily hire a driver).  It just seems that sometimes vasts amounts of money can lead to a total collapse of certain people's morals and level headed thinking.

So, all that being said, is that what the Bible means by the main statement of this post?  Does it simply mean that money corrupts and darkens most hearts?  In my humble opinion, here are the reasons that VAST amounts of money CAN be harmful:
1.  It takes away the purpose of people,,,,it makes them feel useless.  They no longer need to get up and go to work, or clean their house or take care of their child, or anything else.  They can simply pay someone else to do it for them.  Then it leaves that person with ALOT of empty time on their hands.
2.  The rich get a hardened heart because they feel that they are constantly being taken advantage of, and they feel that everyone is standing in front of them with their handout, so they decide that they will give NOTHING away anymore.
3.  Perhaps having this much money and power makes people think that they are above others, and above God.  They are so accustomed to people bowing down to them in this world that they feel that they shouldn't bow to anyone.  They keep looking for ways to fill the empty hole within them with alcohol, drugs, expensive cars-clothes-jewelry, etc, and they don't even realize that the hole can only be filled by the one and ONLY true and loving GOD.

I can definitely SEE how Money could be the root of all evil, but I also believe that there are GOOD, God Loving, rich people as well.  I think that it's all about what you have in your heart and what you choose to do with your life as well as your wallet.
I know that from this post it sounds like money would just make me miserable...however, I would LOVE the opportunity to prove me WRONG!  :)
You have it in writing here...if I ever have MILLIONS of dollars, then I'm going to help people with it.  I VERY WELL may have a sign on the front door of my house saying "Do NOT ask me for money or I'll tell you NO," just to keep from being bombarded, but I would help too!  I promise that if I ever get a real chance,,,that I will do good things.  If I never get the chance to do big things with my wallet, then I will just do good things with my time!

1 comment:

  1. I loved reading this post Brandy and I can't wait to see what you post next. This was very inspiring.
