Monday, April 2, 2012


I was reading my nightly devotional the other night, and the moral of the story was about integrity.  Ever since I read that passage, I have been thinking a lot about INTEGRITY as a whole, what it means, and how it applies to my life.  The meaning of integrity is:  to do the right thing, make the right choices without anyone watching.  It also means that you are the same person regardless of whose presence that you are in.  This is so much easier said than done.  I want to be a person with real integrity, but when you think about it, there's a rare few of us that have TRUE integrity.  To be honest, I think that children and adults with downs syndrome, or similar, probably have the market cornered on integrity.  Those people are always the same, always show their true heart no matter who might be around.
Think about it....are you the same person in front of your pastor/preacher/minister/rabbi, etc that you are in front of your friends?  If not, then you are putting on a false face in front of someone.
Having integrity isn't something that is easy, and it doesn't matter how simple the definition.  I believe that if you have true integrity, it's something that you work on daily, that you check yourself and remind yourself of who you are and who you want to be.  I believe that integrity is a work in action/motion, and that you just need to figure out who you REALLY are and stick to that.  If you aren't happy with the conclusion of who you are, then you can change it.  That's the great thing about FREE WILL!!
Working in Sales, I've always been proud that I could be like a chameleon.  It helps me to relate to different types of people, and let them see the type of person they want to do business with.  This practice in real life is unhealthy, and is something that I'm striving to change.  I want to make sure that the person that you see and hear when you talk to me is the same person that you see and hear no matter who is around.  Easier said than done, but changing your inside is much like dieting....your results depend on what you put in and out.  I want to be fit and healthy on the outside as well as in my heart!

1 comment:

  1. You covered my scenario Lil Sis...We sometimes have to put on a different game face professionally to appease whoever the crowd/audience may be. However, it doesnt mean you lose your core values in the process.
